TV points in the living room & master bedroom.
Fire resistant electrical wires with ‘ISI’ mark.
Elegant designer modular electrical switches.
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) for the flat.
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) for each room provided at the main distribution box within each flat.
Telephone points in master bedroom & living provision for installing intercommunication facility within each apartment.
A/C point for master bedroom and living room active.
Each flat will be provided with adequate BESCOM power i.e., 2 to 3 KW.
Power back up to light circuits only through the DG.
100% power back up for lifts & common areas & all essential services.
Provision for broadband internet connection.
Provision for DTH connection.
Doors & Windows, Grills & Railing
Main door frame in seasoned hard wood.
All other door frames in seasoned hard wood.
Veneered Flushed main door shutters.
Laminated Flush doors for bedroom, balcony, terraces & toilets.
MS Railing in all balconies.
MS grills in all windows.
Living room provided with anodized Aluminium sliding French doors for balcony with provision of mosquito mesh.
Anodized Aluminium sliding windows with 5mm float glass with provision of mosquito mesh.
Openable casement anodized Aluminium door between kitchen & utility.
Granite Kitchen platform with stainless steel sink with single bowl.
Granite platform with stainless steel sink with single bowl & single drain board in utility.
Cladding with designer tiles up to 2ft height above kitchen platform.
Provision for water purifier point above sink.
Provision for washing machine in utility area.
Concealed piped gas connection having provision to place cylinder in utility area.
Provision for exhaust fan or chimney outlet.
Toilet - Fittings & Accessories
Hard wood door frames in toilets.
Branded EWC and wash basin in all toilets.
Designer ceramic tiles for flooring and walls.
Branded hot and cold water mixer unit for shower in all toilets.
Branded CP fittings in all toilets.
Large sized toilet ventilators made up coloured & anodized Aluminium louvered glass with provision for exhaust fan.
Syntax false ceiling.
Provision for horizontal geyser above false ceiling & exhaust fan in all toilets.
Security Systems
Access control Door systems in entrance lobbies at basement/ground level & for all amenities access.
Boom barrier system with RFID at entry & exit points.
CCTV coverage for security at main entrance, lift lobby at basement level & common areas where ever required.
Individual Resident ID cards.
Individual Car sticker for owned cars.
Cable TV
An exclusive satellite TV network will be provided (users to pay monthly charges).
Seismic Zone II resistant RCC Shear Wall structure (MIVAN).
Elegant ground floor entrance lobby.
Interiors: Acrylic Emulsion for ceiling & walls.
Exteriors: Weather proof exterior emulsion.
Water Treatment Plant
Treated soft water through an exclusive water treatment plant within the complex.
STP treated water for flushing of toilets and for gardening purpose.
Backup Generator
1KW D. G. power backup for each apartment for lighting points only, with automatic changeover switches.
100% power back up through DG for lighting in common areas, lifts and pumps.
One passenger & one service lift per tower with ARD (Automatic Rescue Device) / Suitable to fire norms.
100% power backup from DG.
All internal walls rendered with water proof putty/punning.
All external walls coated with textured finish.
Vitrified tiles for living, dining & bedrooms.
Anti-skid tiles for toilets, utilities, balconies & terraces.